Baby Carlson's (Danielle Nicole Carlson) journey

This blog is meant to become a historical view of our first child's journey into the world, and her experiences once in this world.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Back to Labor day weekend

We planned a trip to Ohio to visit friends that had recently moved to Ohio. We were excited about the trip but more importantly we had discussed whether or not we would tell our friends that we were expecting. Due to the fact that our friends probably would be planning on taking us wine tasting and other drinking adventures, we decided to tell them so they wouldn't wonder why we weren't drinking.

We took the red eye to ohio and arrived there at around 6:00 am. We hugged and then were taken to their house. Amazed at the size land, and view of the place, at first sight it was truely amazing. We got the grand tour and then they said "break time" which meant cigarette break out side. We all went out front and then spilled the beans that we were expecting. We all hugged and talked about when/where/how. They were truely excited and happy for us, and Marcy was hoping to hear the news. Our 3 day weekend went by way to fast, but we got to experience quite a bit, great food, a ren festival, taste of Cleveland, and a slower pace of life. The midwest definitly has something going for it, and we are eager to return to visit our friends.


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